Tayson is going through that "phase" that all seasoned mothers are familiar with. You know the one where he asks questions, makes statements and his little world revolves around his... well... you know ;) Here are a few comments he has made over the last few months that will leave you rolling.... Oh and FYI when he potties he perches himself on the toilet seat like a bird! Why? I don't know!
Alli had brought him to the potty and turned around to give him privacy while he piddled and he stated, "Alli, you see this? I have a ball under my weiner!"
I had walked downstairs and he was standing at the edge of the couch with his legs crossed. I asked him if he needed to potty. Taylor shook his head "no" and snickered, "he racked himself while climbing off the couch". I asked Tayson if he was okay and he stated, "My weiner needs a blanky!"
Here is the kicker...
Tayson has figured out how to unlock locked doors in our home, so needless to say... NO PRIVACY! especially when I am taking a shower. He thinks he needs to come in and bring me toys everytime he hears the shower running. Well anyways, one morning he busted in when I was drying myself off, got a surprised look on his face, and asked, "Mom, did your weiner fall off?"
Oh the joys!