Monday, May 19, 2008
Family Update
I just thought I would post a quick update on what is going on in our house... Kam is counting down the days to the end of school and the end of his days at Bridger Elementary. He will be at the middle school this fall and wants to learn the saxaphone. (Fun for us!!!) I remember learning reed instruments for the first time and all the squeaking
that comes along with it. He also is counting down the days to his birthday... which isn't until October - go figure! He is trying to market himself this summer to babysit so he can earn money for a 360 and also do yard/house work, so if anyone needs a handyman...Kam is the man! Alli is as sweet as ever and is also excited for the summer break. She plays soccer and is awesome. Her favorite position is Goalie and she rocks at it! She has that cute personality that can get her anything she wants, but when it comes to soccer - the switch gets flipped and she turns into a maniac. Tayson ... well he lives up to his birthday 6/6/6! If only I would have known I would have kept my legs shut for another 4 minutes (He was born at 11:56 pm). He is the busiest soul I have ever met. This means that my house is never clean! Which for those who know me best - DRIVES ME NUTS! He is so stinkin' cute though. He is at that age that we all just laugh at the sayings and words coming out of his mouth. He says: "HAWO
" (hello) and puts his hand up, he is always asking "What ith it?", and states "That's it" when things don't quite go his way. Tay is still busy painting and has also picked up work at the Specialty Hospital painting at night. He works so hard to support me in school and is such a wonderful husband. I can't say it loud enough: "I LOVE HIM". I am still plugging away at school and have 3 finals this next week. Then I have to finish my clinicals until June 19th then finally summer break. Unfortunately it is only until the first of August then it will be back to the books. I am excited though because I will have my LPN in December and then plan to finish the next year with my RN. I hope all is well with everyone and hope to see you all soon...!
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Hi family & friends...we wanted to keep you posted on our busy here goes...
Dang! That Ice cream looks good! lol. Looks like you guys are doing a pretty good job keeping busy!
I might take Cam up on the babysitting, he could just come and play the Wii with my Wild Boys! :D
Hi Jamie,
I love your pics, Alli is the spitting image of you, my gosh! How are you doing? I'm so glad my sister has you as a friend..... I'm jealous you get to see her more than I do! :) Hope you're doing good!
Love the pics! Karoline is trying to earn money this year too. She is working in concession stands sometimes for my friend. It's been cool to watch her actually save her money instead of blow it immediately.
Great to know things are doing great for you! Well busy.. but soon before you know it you'll be an RN!! YEA!! Keep up the Good work. Your family is so cute! You have a great Husband! I heard you loud and clear...haha
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